New research released by Sport England reveals that six in ten (61 percent) mums would feel guilty taking time to exercise, rather than spending time with their family. However, mothers who are active shouldn’t worry. They can play a key role in encouraging children to develop healthy attitudes towards physical activity.
The results of the new survey of over 1,000 mothers of children aged 0-6-years-old, marks the latest phase of the ‘This Girl Can’ campaign. Encourages women to engage in physical activity regardless of shape, size, age or ability.
When asked to name their top priorities outside of work, mothers were most likely to prioritise tasks revolving around family. For example, spending time with them (56 percent), housework (53 percent), or cooking (28 percent). The research highlighted that mothers were keen to set a good example for their children. In reality, however, juggling both work and family left physical activity near the bottom of their list. As such only one in five (17 percent) mothers prioritising their own exercise.
Another top reason why mums aren’t more physically active is lack of time. Over three quarters of mums (77 percent) who want to do more exercise, said time was why mums aren’t exercising. Almost a third of mums (30 percent) reported having less than an hour of free time to themselves a day. A further fifth (21 percent) of mums who would like to be more active said the cost of keeping fit was a key inhibitor to staying active.
Fitting physical activity, whether it’s a gym session or a family walk is important. Both you and your family will benefit from an active lifestyle. So try to make time for exercise because all girls can!