One in three women in the UK suffers from bladder weakness, making it more common than hay fever. At various times in a woman’s life, – such as pregnancy, childbirth and the menopause – the stress placed on the pelvic floor can weaken the muscles. Over time this will cause urine to leak.
The activities we love doing, particularly exercise, can trigger the happy hormones that keep us enjoying life. But barriers like bladder weakness can have a damaging effect on our self-esteem and dignity.
Studies show that 56 percent of women avoid social events due to incontinence. Whilst 37 percent of women feel they can’t be spontaneous.
Dr Ruth Maher, INNOVO co-inventor, physiotherapist and pelvic floor expert, agrees, adding that “It’s incredibly sad that so many people in the UK are suffering from urinary incontinence and letting it impact their quality of life.”
What Can We Do About it?
The most common type of bladder weakness is stress urinary incontinence, caused by a weakened pelvic floor. Accidental leakage can occur as a result of everyday activities, such as coughing, sneezing or laughing. There’s no need to fear, these muscles can be strengthened and restored. We don’t need to ‘accept our lot’ and suffer embarrassing leaks no more.
INNOVO, the only non-invasive, at-home solution that can help treat the root cause of bladder weakness, and significantly improve the quality of life of sufferers. A clinical study carried out by the brand found a 46 percent improvement in the quality of life after 36 weeks of treatment.
“With INNOVO, you can safely and effectively activate and strengthen the muscles of the entire pelvic floor and permanently eliminate urinary incontinence.”
Kath H, 55, used INNOVO for 12 weeks advising that women should “Forget the pads, probes or any other solutions because they just cause more frustration and discomfort. I just believe in the product so much. INNOVO gave me my life back and was the best investment I ever made!”
INNOVO Shorts are a non-invasive, long-lasting solution to bladder weakness. Visit for more information.
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