From condoms and the pill, to the patch, copper coil and even period tracking apps, there’s a huge range of different types of contraception out there, so it’s no wonder that many women are unsure about what’s right for them.
The problem is, it can be really tricky to speak to someone for trusted advice (after all, late-night googling and whatsapps with friends don’t always yield the most reliable information). And, we’ve all been there – stuck on hold to our local doctors’ surgery waiting to get an appointment or speak to an expert for what feels like hours. So, it can be useful to know you can sometimes get the help you need elsewhere. Enter LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor.
LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor (LPOD) is a secure online doctor, whose NHS-experienced clinicians offer simple and discreet online consultations, so you can receive the right treatment and advice, when you need it. With the rise in GP waiting lists, the team at LPOD are leading the way in providing expert online healthcare at the click of a button.
Over on the LPOD’s website, the team offers a contraception-specific online consultation where you can ask an expert by answering questions to discover what is right for you.
Different contraception options

So, what might be a good option? Let’s look at some of the different types of contraception available…
Combined contraceptive pill: According to research, the pill is still one of the most popular forms of prescribed contraception and you’ve probably heard of combined contraceptive pills, like Yasmin, Microgynon and Lucette which contain two hormones: progestogen and oestrogen. These hormones work to stop you from releasing an egg (or ovulating), which means you can’t get pregnant. The benefits of the pill include the fact it is 99% effective if used properly and it can help reduce the severity of heavy periods and cramps, too. It’s worth noting that there are some potential side effects though – it can slightly increase the risk of blood clots and also raise blood pressure.
For those who struggle with the potential side effects of the more traditional combined pills, there are also low-dose combined pills, such as Gedarel, which also contain progestogen and oestrogen – but less oestrogen than regular combined pills.
The mini pill: Another popular pill choice is the mini pill, such as Cerelle or Cerazette, which only contain progesterone. These are often suggested for those who can’t take the combined pill and/or have high blood pressure. Again, these are 99% effective if used properly.
Contraceptive patch and vaginal ring: Two other hormonal forms of contraception include the patch and the ring – both of which contain the hormones progestogen and oestrogen. The contractive patch is about 5cm square and you wear it on your skin, and change it once a week. As the name suggests, the vaginal ring is inserted into your vagina (by yourself – but it’s quick and simple to do) and you change it every three weeks at the same time. The good thing about these methods includes the fact they’re not impacted by stomach upsets (unlike the pill) and side effects are fairly rare. However, you do have to be careful that they don’t get dislodged from their position.
More to consider: There are other options too which you can consider. Barrier contraception like male and female condoms are good for protecting against STDs as well as pregnancy, and don’t include any hormones, while the coil and implant last for many years without needing to do anything.
The best way to decide what is right for you is to discuss with an expert, consider all choices and look at what suits your lifestyle. The experts at LPOD are on hand to review , and can provide clinician-approved contraceptive pills (like the combined pill) or other birth control methods (like the patch or the vaginal ring) in a few simple steps too.
Other healthcare services offered by LPOD
As well as offering services related to contraception, LPOD can also help with other women’s health issues, such as emergency contraception and period delay. Users simply complete the confidential online consultation and within working hours one of their clinicians will confirm suitability via your secure Patient Record where you will then receive treatment if clinically appropriate.
Keen to know more? Here are some of the other women’s healthcare services the team offers…
Period Delay: A period delay tablet can be taken three days before your expected period and can delay your cycle for up to 17 days (at your convenience). LPOD’s period delay treatment Norethisterone is a synthetic version of the female hormone progesterone. It works by mimicking your natural progesterone levels, keeping them raised which stops your womb lining from shedding and delays your period. This can come in handy if you’re not looking forward to having your period when you’re on holiday, going to a special event, or competing in athletics.
Morning After Pill: LloydsPharmacy Online Doctor makes it easy to request the morning after pill online when you need it. Take the prescribed morning after pill as soon as possible after unprotected sex to prevent pregnancy. It can be taken if you forget to use protection (such as a condom), or if your contraception fails. Both types of morning after pill (Levonorgestrel and ellaOne) work by stopping or delaying the release of an egg. LPOD also offers the opportunity to order in advance, to help you take it asap. This can be handy if you’re living in a remote area or going on holiday and know you might need to take it, but won’t be easy to access when you need it.
Migraines: Migraines affect one in five women and one in 15 men, and usually start in early adulthood. Common symptoms of a migraine include a severe headache that is often on one side of the head, vomiting or nausea, increased sensitivity to light, sound and smells and an aura (seeing flashing lights or opaque spots). There are three treatments available offered by LPOD – Vydura, Sumatriptan and Rizatriptan.
LPOD also offers services in female hair loss, acne and STI tests and treatments, as well as for general health like allergy, travel medication and weight loss.
For more information on how LPOD could help you, visit