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Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – March 2016

Some of us love making schedules and writing lists and I am definitely one of these people. This obsession with organisation pays off, particularly when it come to scheduling my fitness activities for the week.

2 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – February 2016

February is a great month. Why, you ask? Well, for a number of reasons. Firstly, it’s the month of love.

2 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – January 2016

This is it – time to turn over a new leaf. As the festive hangover fades, this is the month when we vow to stick to a new healthy, fitness regime and promise to stay true to the resolutions we have made.

2 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – December 2015

When I wrote last month’s column, I was fretting about my upcoming half-marathon. The main reason I was panicking was that I didn’t think I had enough mileage in my legs.

3 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – November

I always struggle to find my fitness motivation at this time of year. Perhaps it’s because the days are cooler, wetter and shorter – getting out of the house requires a bit more effort!

3 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – October 2015

In last month’s column, I let you know that I’d signed up to Prudential Ride London – a 100-mile cycle ride from Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park to the Surrey hills and back to Buckingham Palace.

2 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer

Jenni Falconer’s Fitness Diary – September 2015

Of course I have cycled before – on a mountain bike to and from the shops, and around the park on a Sunday afternoon. I was actually pretty speedy on my Raleigh Pacer when I was seven years old, and aged 15 I could get some serious air on my little brother’s BMX.

3 MIN READ • BY Jenni Falconer


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