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Everything you need for a fit, healthy and happy body

Your pregnancy workout

Looking for a workout that's safe to do while pregnant? Try this easy routine from personal trainer Melissa Lorch

5 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

5 Steps To A Healthier You

Swap your bowl of breakfast cereal for a bowl of porridge oats with frozen berries…

1 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

Here’s what Soul Circus Festival is really like

Loren Peta packs up her tent and heads to a yoga and wellness festival in the heart of The Cotswolds

2 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

Easy Home Ballet Workout

Try this mini BalletBeFit Barre workout from Rachel, using the back of a sturdy high-backed…

2 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

5 moves to lose 5lbs

You don’t need a lot of moves or time to lose weight – in fact, according to Sam Eastwood, Hollywood personal trainer and founder of Get Set Body (, you can do it in a quarter of an hour with just five simple exercises!

3 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

7 ways to stick to your workout

Whether it’s a busy schedule, life commitments or simply a lack of motivation, it can be tough to stay on track with your exercise regime. We asked Jim and Fiona Crossley, the founders of F45 Kingston (, for their tips on how to keep up with your training and achieve your fitness goals.

3 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

7 Ways To Improve Your Posture

Have you always dreamed of carrying yourself with the graceful demeanour of a ballerina? Try the following seven moves from personal trainer, exercise specialist and coach Simon King ( to help improve your posture.

4 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing


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