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Everything you need for a fit, healthy and happy body

lower cholesterol

7 Ways To Lower Your Cholesterol Levels

Why not make the change for your cholesterol?

3 MIN READ • BY Ackelina Cvijetic

4 Easy Moves To Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Want to reduce your risk of incontinence, boost your core strength and improve your sex life? Try these must-do pelvic floor exercises

3 MIN READ • BY Sarah Sellens

How Yoga Can Benefit Your Children

It can boost the kids’ confidence and dial down your stress levels – here’s how yoga benefits the whole family

4 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

How To Love Your Age

Ageing shouldn’t be something you dread. In fact, like a fine wine you only get better with time and here’s why...

4 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

Michelle Heaton’s Health Tips

Singer and author Michelle Heaton tells us how she manages to stay healthy despite a busy daily routine

2 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

Why We Should Go Veggie

Tempted to go veggie? Nutritionist Louise Pyne tells us why a meat-free diet could offer big health pay offs

4 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing

Dr Hazel Wallace: What I Eat In A Day

Influential doctor and personal trainer Hazel Wallace is a busy woman. How does she fuel her non-stop lifestyle? We find out...

3 MIN READ • BY Health and Wellbeing


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