Did you know urinary tract infections affect over half of women over 60? Middle-aged women are at high risk due to hormonal changes and need supportive and consistent bladder support to maintain urinary health.
During menopause, women are especially vulnerable and most at risk of suffering from frequent or chronic urinary tract infections and bladder incontinence. This happens even when receiving hormone replacement therapy.
In fact, UTIs are more prevalent today than 10 or 20 years ago.
Addressing this need, URALIX from BlueGreen Health is a new, patent-pending herbal supplement formulated by medical researcher Dr Laura Mann to support the bladder function and maintain urinary health.
A botanical formulation
“Menopausal women could benefit from taking URALIX as it has been formulated based on scientifically-researched plant extracts like boswellia, turmeric, green tea and pumpkin seed, which contain antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that support the urinary tract. It could also help avoid bladder symptoms after sexual activity, as well as on-going antibiotic use,” explains Dr Gemma Newman GP MBCCH DRCOG.
Made with evidence-based natural anti-inflammatory herbal extracts, URLAIX can be taken both for symptoms relief as well as long term protection and maintenance by simply adjusting the dose.

What the experts say
URALIX has received good feedback from health professionals, with Prof E. Schiff MD Obstetrics-Gynecology saying: “Because URALIX is antibiotic free, it represents a new solution that does not cause yeast infections or antibiotic resistance.”
According to Pharmacist Arvind Gautama: “The overwhelmingly positive response from women taking URALIX is very encouraging and supports the NHS guidelines of reducing antibiotics overuse.”
It’s advised that URALIX be taken for several months for optimal results to allow the bladder to heal, but the response from women who have used it is very positive.
Sarah Mayman, from Bodmin, Cornwall, reviewed URALIX as: “Literarily the only thing I have found to help my Interstitial Cystitis (IC) for the first time in 35 years.” Karen Boden from London said: “Amazing results from taking URALIX – my life has improved so much.”
To find out more to shop now, visit the website. Use code ‘MENO10’ for 10 percent off until October 31st 2022.